Laura Hernandez
Laura Hernandez
- [email protected]
- Departments
- C Wing Blue
- Language Arts
- Education
- I graduated from CU Boulder with a Bachelor's degree in English and a Master's degree in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learning.
- Bio
- Hello Westview Community! I have always loved to read and I have always wanted others to love it too, so I have wanted to be a teacher my whole life. I am lucky enough that my career so far has been in my dream job as this is my 16th year teaching Language Arts at Westview! My husband and I have two sons (ages 5 and 2) and an energetic golden retriever that keep us very busy. I love to travel (Las Vegas and any kind of Cruise are my favorites), shop (for anything), read (all the books) and spend time with my family (my boys are very into swimming).
- Links