Westview Middle School Staff

Kelly Meilstrup

After graduating at the top of my class from San Bernardino High School in Southern California, I attended BYU and received a B.A. in Music. I came to Longmont as fast as I could and have loved making music here ever since.
I have been playing the piano since I was tall enough to reach the keys. Over the years I have performed with Longmont Symphony Orchestra, Timberline Symphony Orchestra, Longmont Theater Company, Triple Trio, Longmont High School Choirs, Longs Peak Middle School Choirs, Westview Middle School Choirs, and several District Honor Choirs. Making music is how I have fun! When I’m not playing the piano, I can be found hiking, cycling, and reading (my goal is a book a week). I also have an unfortunate love of puns and stupid jokes.

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Westview Middle School