Wildcat News
- Parent/Teacher Conferences September 26, September 28th, and October 4th- Conference Scheduling Instructions Here
- The student iPad insurance window will close on September 15th (today)! Parents who wish to join the insurance pool for the current school year will need to make at least a partial payment before that date. All students are eligible to join the insurance pool for the school year. This optional insurance fee will be voided on September 15th if no payment has been made. 2023-2024 Student iPad Insurance costs $25.00. Read more about the LTP Student iPad Insurance Program.
- School Pictures- It’s not too late to order your student’s school pictures! Studio 5 School Portraits – Order Photos (Click on Lookup your Access Code, then Westview Middle School and your student’s ID number.) Picture retake day will be on Tuesday, October 10th.
- Attendance– To report an absence or schedule a pick-up/drop-off during school hours, please contact our Attendance Clerk Jesed Martinez. Ella habla espagnol. Phone: 720-494-3783 Email: [email protected] or Report an Absence Online (Click on the link symbol next to the search bar on our website, then on Attendance, and fill out a short form.)
- Intramural Girls Volleyball– Girls Intramural Volleyball Schedule 2023-2024
- 8th Grade Travel Team Volleyball- Home game on Monday, Sept. 18th, Coal Ridge @ Westview, 3:40 pm and 4:40 pm
- Boys and Girls Cross Country– SVVSD Invitational, Friday, September 15th @ Lyons
- Intramural Boys Basketball is coming soon! Click here
- Yearbook– Click here to order today!
- Westview Clubs and Activities- Click on the Clubs and Activities box above for a list of current clubs and activities. This document will be updated throughout the year as new clubs are announced.
- Attention Parents/Guardians! Please review and update your student’s information in Infinite Campus. Click here for instructions.
- Gifted and Talented Referral Form– If you believe your student meets the requirements detailed in this letter, please submit the GT referral form to begin the nomination and identification process.
- Wildcat Daily Student Announcements- Your best place for current Westview information Click here.
Other Announcements
- LearnNet is a new, free home internet option for qualifying families in Longmont. To learn more, visit https://stvra.in/learnnet
- Crackpots is giving 10% back to the school of your choice during the month of September! More information: Crackpots 10% Back-to-School Fundraiser
- LHS Mini Cheer Camp– Tuesday, September 19th, 3:45 to 6:30 pm. Click here for more information
- LHS Wrestling Camp– LHS Wrestling is holding a wrestling camp on Friday, October 13. It begins at 8 am and costs $40. Students can pay LHS wrestling when they come. Click here for more information.
- Longmont Grizzly Wrestling Club– information here