Wildcat News
- No school on Friday, February 16th (non-student contact day) or on Monday, February 19th (President’s Day)
- Intramural Wrestling: Westview Wrestling Schedule and Information 2024
- Intramural Wrestling Meet Wednesday, February 21th, Westview @ Mead, 3:30pm
- Westview Intramural Coed Soccer Registration is now open!
- informational soccer flyer here
- Westview’s soccer program is run through the City of Longmont. The season is from March 4th- May 3rd and registration closes on February 29th. You may register online using this link Westview MS Soccer Registration, or you may register in person at the City of Longmont Recreation Center using a paper registration form (we have these in the office).
- String-a-Thom Concert: Wednesday, February 21st, 7:00 pm @ Westview (rehearsal @ Westview from 3:30- 4:30pm)
- SVVSD Middle School Honor Band Concert: Wednesday, February 21st, 7:00pm @ Longmont High School
- Westview Choir Concert: Thursday, February 22nd, 7:00 pm @ Longmont High School
- Westview Project Launch 2024: June 3rd- June 27th, 2024 information here
- Yearbook– Click here to order today!
Other Announcements
- Free Movie Nights at the Innovation Center! IC Movie Night Schedule
- SVVSD’s Nutrition Services is hosting an upcoming Parent Advisory Committee Meeting on Wednesday, Feb 21st from 6:00-7:30 pm virtually through Zoom. This meeting will include a guest speaker from the Colorado Beef Council, what’s new through Nutrition Services (recent farm-to-school movement actions), and the committee’s mission and goals.
- You can Zoom into this meeting by clicking on the text below.
- PAC Nutrition Services Meeting Link
- Please Reach out to Amy Gray at [email protected] with any questions.
- Silver Creek Dance Team Tryouts: Informational meeting March 7th, 7:30 pm @ Silver Creek HS, additional information here.

After the qualifiers came to a close, all 6 of our teams made the top 24 cut. Four of those teams advanced to the round of 16, and then two teams made it to the semi-final round of 4 alliances. After matching up against each other, Recipe for Disaster’s alliance took down Agalynchnis Callidryas’ to advance to the finals, where a double-Altona alliance awaited.
After a hard-fought battle that came down to elevation points at the end of the match, Recipe for Disaster was able to claim the tournament champion’s trophy on their home court. Congratulations to 8th graders Corbin, Jayden, Zach, Jake, and Wesley. They advance to state finals and the US Open in Iowa after that. Special shoutout to team Centroid – Lucho, Alessia, Brendan, and Lily for taking home the Design award. Congratulations to all teams on their great performances this year.”
~Mr. Miyasaki