Westview Middle School Weekly Update

“January” is named for the Roman god Janus, protector of gates and doorways. Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the other into the future. 

Wildcat News

  • Monday, January 15th- Martin Luther King Jr. Day- no school
  • Intramural Girls Basketball
  • Half-Year iPad Insurance- Any new student or any student who doesn’t already have iPad insurance can enroll for coverage for the rest of the year at half the cost (12.50). Please call the front office for details 303-772-3134.
  • Thank you to our Wildcat family for your generous facial tissue donations! Your support in keeping our classrooms stocked and our students comfortable has been amazing!
  • Lost or damaged library books: Did you know students can do community service to work off lost or damaged library books? Click here for more information about it! All library books checked out before December 10, 2023, are due!
  • AttendancePlease call the Attendance line directly to report an absence or schedule a pick-up/drop-off. Our Attendance Clerk is Jesed Martinez y ella habla espanol.
    • Phone: 720-494-3783
    • Email: martinez_jesed@svvsd.org
    • Report an Absence Online (Click on the link symbol next to the search bar on our website, then on Attendance, and fill out a short form.)
  • Yearbook–  Click here to order today!

Other Announcements

  • SVVSD is hosting the Primero Youth Summit, designed for first-generation students and families, on Saturday, January 27, from 8:30 am – 2 pm at the St. Vrain Innovation Center. This event features sessions about some of our amazing local opportunities and resources for 6th-12th grade students planning for the future, such as learning about career pathway programs for SVVSD students, getting help with financial aid for college, and connecting with successful first-generation St. Vrain graduates. There will also be an opportunity to visit with Colorado colleges and career pathway representatives.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided. There will be swag and music and lots of networking opportunities. Click on the link above to learn more information.
  • Silver Creek Dance Team is hosting a Mini Raptors Clinic on January 27th. They offer reduced prices for students who qualify for Free and Reduced lunches. Athletes will receive a t-shirt and bow, and learn choreography to perform at a basketball game!  Information and registration here
Westview’s 8th Grade Girls Travel Basketball Team warms up before their game vs. Erie Middle School on Wednesday, January 10th. “Both teams worked and hustled hard! Erie’s A team was tough, but Westview showed excellent resilience when it came to not giving up and continuing to work hard and show their skills and teamwork. The B team had an excellent time out on the court and pulled off a win, again showing off their skills, how well they work together, and how much fun they have on the court!” ~Coach Ferrara
In 6th grade Band, students are gearing up to learn how to read full pieces of sheet music. Many of these students had never touched an instrument before this year, but will be playing pieces like Star Wars or Jurassic Park by the time our May concert rolls around. Right now, they are learning the skills necessary to make that happen. 
In 7th grade Band, students will be focusing on ensemble skills this semester. They have spent the last three semesters in instrument-type classes, but are now all together in one large band of over 70 students. They are moving away from individual instruction and into how to play as a group. 
In 8th grade Band, students are preparing for their upcoming performance at the CBA Band Festival. Students will be given a rating by a panel of professional musicians, who will give them feedback on what they can improve on as an ensemble. 
6th grade Art students are learning about typography as they design their class folders. Typography is the art and technique of arranging words to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.
7th grade Art students will be learning some alternative drawing techniques this quarter, starting with scratchboard drawings.
8th grade Art students are working on the covers for their art journals. The journals will be used for sketching, visual note-taking, planning projects, and experimenting.
6th graders in Introduction to Robotics class are working in teams building speedbots to eventually race on a course in the classroom.

7th graders in Beginning Computer Science class are learning basic coding with Python programming- a valuable skill that can be used across a wide range of computer applications.

8th graders in Intermediate Coding class already have experience with Python programming. Each week they set their own goals on what specific projects they want to work on and then reflect on their progress throughout the week.

      Expect the best!

      Westview Middle School