Wildcat News
- Intramural Boys Basketball- Intramural Boys Basketball schedule 23-24
- 8th Grade Boys Travel Team Basketball-
- Westview @ Erie Middle School, Monday, October 23th, 3:30 and 4:45 pm
- Practice Mon., Oct. 23rd – Thurs., Oct.26th, 6:45- 8:05 am
- Boys and Girls Cross Country– NoCo State Middle School Championship, Lyons Middle/Senior, Sat., Oct. 21st Cross Country Info and Schedule 2023
- 8th Grade Band Performance in the City of Longmont Halloween Parade- Saturday, October 28th.
- Rehearsal on Friday, Oct. 27th- Parents drop students off at LHS at 7:45 am and a bus will return them to Westview at 9:15 am.
- Upcoming Westview Music Concerts-
- 8th Grade Orchestra Concert Tues., Oct. 24th, 7:00 pm @ LHS:
- Rehearsal on Tues., Oct. 24th- Parents drop students off at LHS at 8:15 am and a bus will return them to Westview at 12:30 pm.
- 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Concert Wed., Nov. 1st, 6:00 pm @ LHS
- 7th & 8th Grade Band Concert Wed., Nov. 1st, 7:30 pm @ LHS
- 6th-8th Westview Choir Concert Thurs., Nov. 2nd, 7:00 pm @ LHS:
- Pre-Concert Dress Rehearsals in WMS Choir Room:
- 6th Grade – Tuesday, October 24th in the Choir Room 3:30 -4:15.
- 7th /8th Grade Treble Choirs- Wed., Oct. 25th in the Cafeteria 3:30- 4:15 pm.
- 7th/8th Tenor/Baritone Choirs- Thursday, October 26th in the Choir Room 3:30- 4:15 pm.
- All students should arrive for attendance and warm up no later than 6:30 pm. The auditorium doors won’t be open for families until 6:50. The lobby doors will be open beginning at 6:30.
- Dress Code – Black Concert Polo (7th/8th Grade) or Blue Concert T-Shirt (6th Grade), Black pants or slacks, black socks, and black shoes. I will email you when the new shirts and polos arrive so you can know to expect them at home!
- 8th Grade Orchestra Concert Tues., Oct. 24th, 7:00 pm @ LHS:
- Attendance– To report an absence or schedule a pick-up/drop-off, please contact our Attendance Clerk Jesed Martinez. Ella habla espanol.
- Phone: 720-494-3783 Email: [email protected]
- Report an Absence Online (Click on the link symbol next to the search bar on our website, then on Attendance, and fill out a short form.)
- It’s not too late to order your student’s school pictures! Studio 5 School Portraits – Order Photos Click on “look up Access code,” type in Westview Middle School, click on Westview Middle School in the drop-down list, and enter your student’s ID.
- Yearbook– Click here to order today!
- 8th Grade Parents- Order your student’s Yearbook Baby Recognition Ad by October 27th!
- Westview Green Star Schools Parent/Community Letter: English Espanol
Other Announcements
- Longmont High School Junior Trojan basketball program for grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. The tryout dates will be October 21st and 22nd from 4:30-6:00 pm and will occur in the gyms at Longmont High School. We are hoping to have a great turnout of basketball players from Westview. Please contact coach Jeff Kloster by email at [email protected] if you have any questions.

`Coach Martenson

Concert-goers are in for a real treat!