Wildcat News
- Parent/Teacher Conferences September 26th, September 28th, and October 4th- Conference Scheduling Instructions Here Please contact Front Office Secretary Chris Sabol with questions or if you need assistance: 303-772-3134 [email protected]
- Our Scholastic book fair opens Monday, September 25th! Students will be able to shop during their regular library times. You can also shop at our online fair from September 22 – September 29. Just use this link: Westview’s online book fair. Interested in an E-wallet for your student? You can set one up here: E-Wallet
- The book fair will be open after-hours on conference nights: Tuesday from 3:30-6:00 pm, and Thursday from 3:30-6:00 pm. Be sure to stop by and check it out!
- Intramural Boys Basketball registration is now open in RevTrak! Registration will be open from September 22nd through October 3rd.
- School Pictures- It’s not too late to order your student’s school pictures! Studio 5 School Portraits – Order Photos (Click on Lookup your Access Code, then Westview Middle School and your student’s ID number.) Picture retake day will be on Tuesday, October 10th.
- Attendance– To report an absence or schedule a pick-up/drop-off during school hours, please contact our Attendance Clerk Jesed Martinez. Ella habla espagnol. Phone: 720-494-3783 Email: [email protected] or Report an Absence Online (Click on the link symbol next to the search bar on our website, then on Attendance, and fill out a short form.)
- Intramural Girls Volleyball– Girls Intramural Volleyball Schedule 2023-2024
- 8th Grade Travel Team Volleyball- Away game on Monday, Sept. 25th, Westview @ Soaring Heights, 3:40 pm and 4:40 pm
- Boys and Girls Cross Country– Runner’s Roost Invitational, Tuesday, September 26th @ Adams County Regional Park
- Yearbook– Click here to order today!
- Westview Clubs and Activities- Click on the Clubs and Activities box above for a list of current clubs and activities. This document will be updated throughout the year as new clubs are announced.
- Update your student’s information in Infinite Campus– Click here for instructions.
- Gifted and Talented Referral Form– If you believe your student meets the requirements detailed in this letter, please submit the GT referral form to begin the nomination and identification process.
- Wildcat Daily Student Announcements- Your best place for current Westview information Click here.
- Welcome to the latest edition of our Counselors’ Corner, designed exclusively for our Westview parents and guardians. As we embark on another exciting school year, we understand the importance of fostering strong connections between home and school to support our students. In this newsletter, you’ll find valuable insights, tips, and resources to empower you in navigating the unique challenges and triumphs of the middle school years. Our team of counselors is here to serve as your partners in ensuring your child’s emotional, social, and academic growth. We hope this newsletter serves as a bridge to enhance communication, provide guidance, and strengthen the support network that surrounds our students.
Other Announcements
- St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Annual Musical Instrument Drive
Donate gently used musical instruments to support St. Vrain Valley Schools’ music program at the fourth annual collection drive. Drop off your contributions at the Lincoln School building on 619 Bowen St. in Longmont on September 26 (12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or September 29 (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) and receive a donation receipt. Your generosity enriches our classrooms, provides instruments for students, and enhances our district’s music programming.
Learn more >> - LearnNet is a new, free home internet option for qualifying families in Longmont. To learn more, visit https://stvra.in/learnnet
- LHS Wrestling Camp– LHS Wrestling is holding a wrestling camp on Friday, October 13. It begins at 8 am and costs $40. Students can pay LHS wrestling when they come. Click here for more information.
- Longmont Grizzly Wrestling Club– information here

~Coach Benjaminson