Westview Canned Food Drive 2020

Once again, Westview students are finding a way. Our students recognized that we need to support our community, and that this is even more important during this pandemic. So we have worked together to find a way. 

We will hold our canned food drive again this year, but like so many things it will be different. On Fridays, NJHS students are volunteering to collect food here at Westview in a safe and touchless way. We will set up out in front of the school along the drop-off lane. We will have several tables set up and you can drive up, drop off your donations, and drive off. We will use a bin system to eliminate direct contact and touching. A very small group of students (several) will be supervised, outside, wearing masks, and observing social distancing. Students are volunteering during asynchronous work time on Fridays, and must be caught up on their assignments. 

Drop-off times

Friday 12/4     12:00 – 4:00 

Friday 12/11    9:30 – 3:30 

Friday 12/18   9:30 – 3:30

Please join us in supporting our community! 


Westview Middle School