CMAS Testing April 8 – 15

We will be conducting our annual state CMAS testing April 8-15. Eighth graders only will also have science testing April 16-18. Please encourage your child to get a good night sleep and a good breakfast each day. 

The results from these assessments are very important to our teachers in providing the data that helps guide instruction and learning. In addition, the CMAS assessment has a very significant correlation with The SAT exam. By participating in testing at Westview, students are given a golden opportunity to practice and become skilled at something that will be very important to them in just a few years. You have our commitment to ensure that the CMAS assessment days will be positive and productive. The learning does not stop during testing here at Westview.

Below are the schedules for testing. We have a different schedule for 4/8 – 4/10 and for 4/11 – 4/15. We will run our regular schedule during 8th grade science testing.


CMAS Testing Schedules 


2019 Testing Daily Schedule 4_8-4_10 – Sheet1.pdf


2019 Testing Daily Schedule 4_11 – 4_15 – Sheet1.pdf


Westview Middle School