We will be hosting two informational parent meetings in the coming weeks. On each of the nights high school conselors and/or administrators from one of our feeder high schools will be joining us. All middle schools and high schools in the district have created similar transition plans. Therefore, the information about our transition plan at Westview will be pertinent for all 8th grade families regardless of where they will be attending high school next year. While the core information will be the same, the meetings will be tailored slightly to reflect the expectations and experiences at each high school.
Wednesday, January 24 6:00 @Westview – Featuring Silver Creek High
Tuesday, January 30 6:00 @Westview – Featuring Longmont High
Westview counselors and administrators will provide detailed information about our 8/9 transition plan. One big part of our transition plan involves mirroring 9th grade expectations during the second semester of 8th grade. Some of these expectations include:
Attendance (crucial for passing classes.)
An increased homework workload
Final exams at the end of the 8th grade year
Involvement in co-curricular activities.
Making good decisions in an environment with increased freedom.
Taking responsibility for learning.
High school staff will give information about what to expect and look forward to in high school. They will also help you understand registration activities and processes, high school schedules, and availaible extra-curricular opportunities. There will also be time to ask questions and have discussions about this important transition. This is one part of our ongoing effort to ensure that all sudents succeed and graduate. I hope you will be able to join us for one of these important meetings.